The current European socio-economic situation and Agricultural Policy requires skilled individuals to work efficiently and ecologically in the various fields of agriculture. It is also well documented that there is no common (European) vocational education and training (VET) approach and certification, at a non-university level, for farmers who are or intending to start agricultural business. see also the agro-MAC VET key outcomes
The aim of the Agro MAC-VET project is to provide a framework in order to resolve part of this shortcoming by taking a multi-actor (university – enterprise-stakeholders) approach and to create tools applicable to vocational education & training institutions, and also to SMEs and individuals (farmers). In this framework both the existing work force and the upcoming farmers can be trained and certified in the areas of contemporary agriculture, environment and the production of “healthy and safe” food, not excluding the financial guidelines for start-up business.
The Agro-MAC VET project is a Partnership project under the Leonardo da Vinci programme which enables several European organisations to joinlty exchange practices, benchmark and develop problem solving approaches.
Some of the agro-MAC VET outputs
To answer these needs, agro-MAC VET implemented the following workprogramme:
- Identification / analysis of the training needs and the existing opportunities at national level in the partner countries with a European perspective, in relation with the applied laws and EU directives.
- Construction of a dedicated website containing the data collection on Lifelong Learning opportunities throughout Europe. The website builds the “liaison” between partners for communication and project organization issues. It also includes an intranet part for the members.
- Integration and dissemination of the collected data, e.g. data provided by:
- CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)
- PLOTEUS (Portal on Learning Opportunities throughout E.U.)
- National Training Organizations of participating countries.
- Proposition of a Generally Recognized As Minimum (GRAM) Curriculum of agricultural vocational training, required for all professionals (farmers), seeking certification.
- Proposal of a framework for a vocational training recognition and certification at national and European levels. Cooperation with the EUROPASS authorities and the EQF (European Qualifications Framework) re encouraged.
- Creation of a Guide of Good Practice based on case studies, developed by small European agricultural enterprises and applied at a transnational level (at least one per participating country). This guide is accessible on the agro-MAC VET site (intranet) and is also available /distributed on a multimedia form if needed.
- Development of a transnational Compendium of potential trainers, with specializations and scientific / technological qualifications, in line with the GRAM Curriculum. These trainers will be approached also, as potential authors of the foreseen training material (provided also on the agro-MAC VET intranet site).
See also the agro-MAC VET key outcomes