EUE-Net, the European University-Enterprise cooperation network, is an ERASMUS Thematic Network approaches the transversal theme of the university role in a knowledge-driven society.
The project aims to create a European network of universities and industrial partners in the field of education, research and services.
The EUE-Net project has the following objectives:
- Enhancing the Quality of practical placements of students, by development of a quality standard for quality of practical placement in enterprises.
- Increasing the presence of the entrepreneurs within the University activities by design, experiment and promotion of appropriate innovative mobility schemes involving entrepreneurs.
- Tuning Entrepreneurship - Defining generic entrepreneurial skills for the students and best profile of teachers in order to enhance the entrepreneurial approach within the University Sector.
- Development and networking at European level the University entities having as natural vocation the link between University and Enterprise: Network of Career Development Offices.
The project contributes:
- To the quality - through covering a gap in the current quality systems operational in the academic world that do not include a clear process for the practical placement of students in enterprises.
- To promote the high performance in Higher Education by enhancing and homogenisation of the skills acquired by the students during the practical placements in enterprises.
- To promote innovative schemes for organisation and quality control of practical placements in enterprises.
- To promote the European Dimension in the University curriculum by elaborating development and promoting a system for practical placement of students that take into consideration the possible mobility of students at European level.
- The main topic of the project is to improve the quality of practical placements in co-operation with higher education and enterprises through creating a concept and infrastructure for a European network of Quality Reference Centers for Placements. Due to the informal learning within practical placements, the concept for quality assurance is easily applicable for other sectors of LLP, especially for the Leonardo da Vinci programme.
Some of the EUE-Net outputs
The project encourages the best use of results in the organisation of practical placement of students, by elaborating a system for transnational practical placement starting from the existing experience in the most advanced countries in the European Union in this area (Germany, France, UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy etc). The most innovative processes in this area will be analysed and integrated into the system to be proposed.
For this purpose the existing good practice have been first analysed and exchanged and finally integrated into the commonly agreed model at European level that will be promoted further on in the countries with less developments in this area.
The EUE-net network, covering all the countries eligible to the Lifelong Learning Programme, has been integrated into the MAC-Team international non profit association.
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