The e-Dairy Farm project was a 2 years European project accepted under the Leonardo da Vinci programme started on the 1st October 2006.
The full title of the project is:
"e-VET (Vocational Education & Training) for sustainable development of dairy farmers in multi-actor cooperation & terroir environment".
See as well:
- General introduction to the e-Dairy Farm project
- Public e-Dairy Farm repository
The e-Dairy Farm project implements various tools for the development of the training packages and to accompany the Farmers, the Local Development Actors, the Institutional Decision Makers, the Students, the Trainers and the Profesionnal Bodies. (Don't forget that the e-Dairy Farm project is implementing the MAC approach: the Multi-Actor Cooperation of all stackeholders of a specific matter/problem to solve.)
RuralEnterprizer© is an adaptive multiple facets tool developed by the e-Dairy Farm project based on the powerfull EnterprizerTM suite.