Feel free to contact us if you are interested or if you would like to propose further collaboration.
The oeno-MAC project aims at developing (design, development, test, validation, dissemination, promotion, guidance) innovative vocational training approaches, materials and tools to the integrated agro-food Sector "from the grape to the glass" based on the MAC environment. (Multi-Actor-Cooperation. involving all actors at all levels.)
Q-PlaNet, the Quality Placements Network is network of Quality Reference Centres (QRC) for student placements. QRCs are offices acting at regional level for checking placement quality and promoting the mobility of students in practical training. Q-PlaNet sets up concrete standards and structures for quality assurance in order to provide students, host organisations and universities a solid an secured basis for European wide comparable placements.
The current European socio-economic situation and Agricultural Policy requires skilled individuals to work efficiently and ecologically in the various fields of agriculture. It is also well documented that there is no common (European) vocational education and training (VET) approach and certification, at a non-university level, for farmers who are or intending to start agricultural business.
www.agro-net.eu see also the agro-MAC VET key outcomes
Following the developments of the financial crisis leading to a social and societal crisis, there is an urgent need to restore confidence and references to citizens and consumers.
The vocational training Hermes-OSR project supported under the European program Leonardo da Vinci had anticipated this need. It aims at supporting the development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through a training and coaching offer to the Human Resources stakeholders in SMEs.
EUE-Net, the European University-Enterprise cooperation network, is an ERASMUS Thematic Network approaches the transversal theme of the university role in a knowledge-driven society.
The project aims to create a European network of universities and industrial partners in the field of education, research and services.