Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Lahti UAS) is a multidisciplinary higher education institution (HEI) located in the city of Lahti in the southern part of Finland.
Lahti UAS is the largest institute of higher education in the Päijät-Häme Region. It offers a variety of high quality Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programmes in business administration, culture and arts, social and health care and engineering. There are 5,300 students and 260 full-time teaching staff.
Lahti UAS’s goal is to develop the region’s working life, entrepreneurship, regional learning and innovation environment, and to advance individual and environmental well-being, and finally to support the internationalization of the Lahti Region. Lahti UAS’s applied research activities aim at finding, developing and producing new and improved products, production systems, methods and services.
International RDI activities and specialist expertise are targeted at the focus areas: Design; Smart Industry; Welfare and Reformative Growth; and Clean and Dynamic Environment.
The Design focus area deals with the integration of design expertise for economic competitiveness, circular economy and well-being. The aim is to make Design RDI activity an integral part of regional and national design ecosystems.
The RDI themes of Design are industrial design, information design and service design. Smart industry focus area enhances the competitiveness of the region's industries and businesses and enables them to better respond to global challenges and customer needs. The development of smart industry is based on technologies and taking advantage of the opportunities offered by knowledge sharing and networks. The RDI themes of smart industry include digital applications in production and service business, enhanced processes and practices as well as network based business models and service concepts.
The Clean and Dynamic Environment RDI focus area promotes circular economy. Its RDI activities are aimed at developing efficient ways of using the region's resources and renewable energy solutions in cooperation with businesses and promoting sustainable urban structures. The themes are material efficiency, sustainable urban development and energy efficiency and renewable energy.
The Well-Being and Regenerative Growth RDI focus area encompasses health promotion, inclusion, skills and employment. Healthy and empowered individuals and communities in a complex, dynamic and digital world are at the core of this RDI focus area. Its RDI themes are regeneration of user-centred welfare services, healthy and safe living environment and service innovation.
Lahti UAS is an innovative partner in the RDI field. The turnover is approximately 40 million euros. The volume of the RDI is approximately 6 million euro annually and over half of it is regionally funded. Lahti UAS operates actively in EU-funded projects. Since 2003 Lahti UAS has participated in over 250 EU-funded projects, both national and international. In 2015, Lahti UAS participated in about 35 RDI-projects, either as a lead partner or as a partner. During the past years, Lahti UAS has participated in many EU funding programmes, including Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Structural Funds, Interreg, and ENPI.
Lahti University of Applied Sciences contacts for the TRUST-ME project:
LAHTI UAS website:
Miika Kuusisto – miika.kuusisto [-@-] lamk,fi
Ulla Kotonen – ulla.kotonen [-@-] lamk,fi