The oeno-MAC coaching solution is built on 5 key topics. Not everything can be covered in only 5 topics. There is a series of transversal issues as well, which are dealt with across the 5 topics.
In fact the modularity and flexibility of the training modules enable to design a specific package to answer the needs of trainees combining several topics in one course.
The 5 key topics are:
- Vine cultivation: exchange of good practice and varieties;
- Wine production + recent changes in regulation and techniques;
- Bottling, labelling and other containers;
- Health, gastronomy and safety;
- Business and rural developments.
These topics are also mapped against identified European job profiles and an EQF (European Qualification Framework) approach. One objective is to also define modules, training materials, etc. to fit with the design of a European Credit system in Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) related to these job profiles and EQF approach.
Target groups:
The oeno-MAC project takes into account the market needs and therefore the needs of the Consumers and of the Society in terms of responsible attitudes and cultural dimensions.
To fulfill these needs, the oeno-MAC coaching solution works upstream at products and services providers in the sector (Vine, Wine, Innovation and Health) to provide them with the relevant knowledge, skills, competences and attitudes. The oeno-MAC project deals with the design of this oeno-MAC coaching solution in the format of a training of trainers solution who are the direct target group of the project.
Therefore, the 2 integrated levels are:
- Direct target group : action-training
- Trainers (school, training centre, university, R&D centre) and Relay actors (professional bodies, unions, wine institutes);
- Farmers (private and cooperatives) and Wine producers/technicians + Vine products transformers
- Indirect, snowball effect and via second level or intermediary actors:
- The regional developers (local authorities, Chamber of Commerce, Development and tourism infrastructures);
- Distribution chain operators (transport, storage, retailers, fairs, associations) and Welness actors;
- Quality actors for certification (ISO and appellations)
- Consumers (individuals, associations).