In the framework of the Intellectual Output 2, totally 8 sector-based training materials have been elaborated using the inputs (first of the sectorial skill cards) of the OI1 work package – Preparatory analysis.
These training materials help mentors or potential mentors acquire the specialities, the different characteristics of the selected economic sectors; the knowledge of the mentors is significantly enhanced via these new curricula.
The mentors specialised of the various sectors can help each other’s work and complement the knowledge of a future mentor-network on regional or later on European level. A mentor specialised in a sector can be awarded the sector's label.

MentorCert logoThe planned innovative training materials widen the mentor's training profile with strongly needed specialised dimensions. The mentor networks with the ambition of covering regions geographically  requires the skills provided by these specialisation trainings taking the professional regional needs into account. The trainings elaborated in the framework of the international cooperation led in each case by a partner strong in the field ensures high transferability to future extended partnerships.
Some of the partners have participated in the development of TRUST-Me modules. In that project more general topics were elaborated connecting to the basic level of mentors as Marketing, finance and budget, Production and costs, Human Resource Management, etc. In the MentorCert project, partners use similar development methods and tools and include the lessons learnt from the problems and difficulties met during the TRUST-Me project.
The pedagogical approach is blended-learning with the lion’s share of on-line training with simulation games.
The planned topics of the training material development are mentioned in the results of IO1.
Vertical issues:

  • Tourism industry – working group led by BBS
  • Fin Tech – led by LBU
  • Agro-food industry – led by UCP
  • Construction industry – led by WUT

Horizontal issues:

  • generational transition – led by BBS
  • start-ups – led by LBU
  • nascent entrepreneurs – led by UCP
  • mature enterprises – led by WUT

Those participant institutions who were not partners in the TRUST-Me development (but old partners in other projects) may need to make more efforts to learn about the training material development of that project, but they will be helped by the trainers and experts of BBS and ADINVEST International.

Work package:
Start: 01-03-2018     End: 31-12-2019      Languages: English


IO2 – Sector-based training materials
In line with the requirements outlined in the original project proposal, IO2 requires eight sector-based training materials to be elaborated using the inputs of the skill card determined in IO1 – Preparatory analysis. These training materials are designed to help current or potential business mentors acquire knowledge associated with selected economic sectors. The training materials generally reflect the vertical and horizontal sectors outlined in the original project proposal. However, as the partners discussed the issues in IO1 it became apparent that there were some benefits to be realised by adopting a change in the categorisation of two of the horizontal issues. These changes reflect a recognition that elaborating a business life-cycle approach would provide a more coherent and logical framework for the horizontal issues underpinning the development of the training materials.
The vertical issues are
  - Tourism industry – working group led by P1 BBS
  - Fin Tech sector– led by P2 LBU
  - Agro-food industry – led by P3 UCP
  - Construction industry – led by P4 WUT
The horizontal issues are
  - Nascent entrepreneurs (changed from social economy) – led by P3 UCP
  - Start-ups – led by P2 LBU
  - Mature enterprises – (changed from micro-enterprises) – led by P4 WUT
  - Generational transition – led by P1 BBS

The MentorCert training materials drew on the previous Trust me experience and focussed on the development of new and innovative training materials to support the development of ‘hard strategy skills’ identified in IO1 and reflected in the mentor skill card underpinning assessment and accreditation (IO3 and IO4). The training materials are focussed on sectors of strategic importance identified by project partners and reflected in the vertical and horizontal issues.

All partners developed training materials in line with the requirements outlined in the original project proposal and set out below:
  - E-learning:
     o 4 modules on the vertical sectors (9 hours / modules)
     o 4 modules on the horizontal issues (9 hours / module)
  - Face-to-face:
     o 4 + 4 training materials - practicing the methodology (3 hours / module)

In addition, during discussions with partners at the second partner meeting it became apparent that there was a potential knowledge gap in relation to the introduction of frameworks and techniques associated with strategy development. Consequently, the partners decided to develop an additional ‘methodology module’ (8 hours) to fill this gap and to provide training materials introducing selected strategy tools and techniques for mentors.
Partners provided a structure for the training materials to be adopted by each partner which included
  - introduction and learning objectives
  - an overview of the sector
  - Introduction and case studies for each of the four hard skills designated in the skills card (Strategic planning, Understanding the ecosystem, Value creation models and Futures)
  - Assessment in the form of both open and closed questions
  - References and signposting to further resources
  - In addition, a glossary was added to the 8-module curriculum

The training materials supported blended learning with an emphasis on work-related learning through the use of case studies. A long and a short case study were developed for each hard skill. The long case study provided the learner with an example of a real life situation and an opportunity to think about the application of a relevant strategy tool or technique in this context. Whilst these long cases could be used in face to face delivery, they were also designed to support distance and e-learning. The training materials supported active learning through the use of open questions so that the learner was guided to think about and explore the situation outlined in the case study and to apply a particular strategy tool or technique. The materials also included indicative answers so that the application of the tool to the context was clearly described. The short case studies were specifically designed for face to face learning and many partners used one or more of the short cases with success during the MentorCert simulation and piloting processes.
The 6C self-evaluation by partners indicates a high level of completeness, clarity, conciseness, consistency, correctness and credibility associated with the training materials developed through the MentorCert project. The training materials provided a strong foundation for the development of the e-learning materials and the use of multi-media and in particular the addition of a further video case study and an interactive ‘quiz’ further supported user engagement and learning. The training materials developed in this work package provided integral and coherent deliverables which were both informed by the Preparatory analysis (IO1) and also informed the development of the MentorCert assessment criteria (IO3) and accreditation scheme (IO4).

The Methodology Collection is attached below.
The e-learning outcomes of the TRUST-Me and MentorCert projects have been implemented on the Budapest Business School Moodle platform:
Access to the e-learning materials can be asked from Budapest Business School – please contact Andrea Szirmai, professional coordinator (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or László Varga, administrative coordinator (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), administrative coordinator of the TRUST-Me and MentorCert projects.

O2-Sector-based training materials


MentorCert_IO2-Agrofood Sector

Size: 1.54 MB
Hits : 389
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Agrofood Handbook

Size: 1.54 MB
Hits : 313
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Business start-up

Size: 1.04 MB
Hits : 298
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Business start-up Handbook

Size: 1.04 MB
Hits : 1382
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-FinTech Sector

Size: 1.26 MB
Hits : 298
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-FinTech Handbook

Size: 1.26 MB
Hits : 347
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Construction Sector

Size: 1.83 MB
Hits : 300
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Construction Handbook

Size: 1.83 MB
Hits : 381
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Mature enterprises

Size: 781.06 KB
Hits : 466
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Mature enterprises Handbook

Size: 781.06 KB
Hits : 337
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Nascent entrepreneurs

Size: 1.49 MB
Hits : 342
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Nascent entrepreneurs Handbook

Size: 1.49 MB
Hits : 223
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Tourism Sector

Size: 1.86 MB
Hits : 379
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Tourism Handbook

Size: 1.86 MB
Hits : 400
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Transition Issues

Size: 2.05 MB
Hits : 389
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Transition Handbook

Size: 2.05 MB
Hits : 366
Date added: 17-03-2023

MentorCert_IO2-Methodology collection

Size: 3.88 MB
Hits : 977
Date added: 17-03-2023