60-70 pages training material
2 levels - common part + specialities for the 2 target groups (entrepreneurs and MSc students)
This module provides significant assistance in the small and medium-generational change in the potential new leader training, and is also well served by the modernization of education content and methodological renewal.
- Significant financial processes for a small and medium enterprise;
- Financial flows, cash flow planning, and their follow-up;
- Credit facilities;
- Take over and manage different financial crisis grow up in financial processes;
- After determining the future goals of small or medium entrepreneurships (see strategy module) determine the short -term vision, future tasks, and the adequate planning technics;
- Planning for turnover, developing new business relationships, identifying new customer, and the suitable methods for monitoring them;
- Tasks to be undertaken in the preparation of the corporate business plan, and the methods which are useful during the planning;
- Prepare a concrete business plan for a specific case study;
- Develop reporting system for the monitoring of business processes and operation;
- Management tasks in case of actual and budget deviation of the data, decision making, and the subsequent assessment of their consequences;
- A small or medium entrepreneurship legal environment, legal matters relating to the operation;
- Legal difficulties during generation change of ownerships and minimize the legal disadvantages;
- Legal obligations between shareholders, possibilities for sharing of management responsibilities.
The key objective is to compile such syllabus, training materials which are suitable for the different generations of small or medium-sized enterprises and for their executive managers/owners facing generational transition.
The results of the module is also made applicable for the full time or part time students. The subject of the module can be organized into different level task system which allows various kind of the training orientated for the student knowledge level, MSc students, and new or exiting entrepreneurs.