MAC-Team; the European Multi Actors Cooperation network.
"Multi Actors" means that MAC-Team originates or participates to projects in which all the stakeholders of a problem or a topic are involved at a stage or another stage of the project in order to find appropriate solutions.

MAC-Team - the European Mutli-Actors Cooperation network"aisbl" stands for international non-profit association, which is a legal structure under the Belgian law.
The MAC-Team aisbl is the result of a long term informal network started at the end of the 80's via collaborations in European projects. The first "MAC" project effectively using the acronym "MAC" in its name was approved in 1995.
Since, many "MAC" projects have been implemented. The legal structure as such was created in 2005.

The MAC-Team website simply presents the statutes of the international non-profit association. MAC-Team's activities are more visible via the websites of the various projects it participates in, as for instance:
- : towards a professional label for job profiles in the Human Resources function.
- Araidne - social-economy-training : Training solutions and its transfer mechanisms for Managers in the Social Economy
- Hermes-OSR : labellised training solutions on Social Responsibility towards Human Resources and Managers in SMEs.
- AFI-MAC / e-incubator : to help business incubators accompanying start-up managers to become real entrepreneurs.
- FOOD-MAC : the European agro-food network supported by the European Leonardo da Vinci programme.
- oeno-MAC : innovative vocational training and decision-making tools for actors "from the grape to the glass".
- agro-net : Vocational Education Training basic curricula in agro and rural business development.
- MACC-SSIIM : training on informal mangement of intellectual property for SME managers.
- e-dairy-farm : training on dairy farm diversification and rural business development.
- EUE-net : European University-Enterprise cooperation network, supported by ERASMUS programme.

MAC-Team contacts for the Certitude project:
MAC-Team website:
Yves Boisselier - yb [-at-] mac-team,eu
Pascal Echardour - pe [-at-] mac-team,eu