The oeno-MAC project aims at developing (design, development, test, validation, dissemination, promotion, guidance) innovative vocational training approaches, materials and tools to the integrated agro-food Sector "from the grape to the glass" based on the MAC environment. (Multi-Actor-Cooperation. involving all actors at all levels.)
oeno-MAC is a 2 years transfer of innovation project supported in the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci European programme on vocational education and training (VET), it started in October 2008.
9 countries and 13 partner organisations have been initially involved in the preparation of the oeno-MAC project (B, CY, E, F, GR, HU, P, TR and UK). At time of development, 8 countries (without Portugal at that phase) and 12 operating partners are involved as indicated in the partnership structure.
The oeno-MAC project presents two key approaches:
- in terms of innovation in VET (Vocationational Education and Training), i.e. technological and training methods;
- and in terms of Multi-Actors dimension thanks to its partnership and the representation of the various stakeholders of the whole chain, including from the trainers to the beneficiaries (i.e. enterprises, research institutions and universities, training organizations, consultants, and professional bodies / federations of wine producers, farmers and retailers).
The partnership shares a common vision towards a “European Quality Vine Products” to:
- Facilitate personal development (and business development);
- Improve quality and innovation in Vine, Wine and By-products;
- Develop quality of VET systems & practices.
Some of the oeno-MAC outputs
The oeno-MAC coaching solution primarily provides tools and training materials to the trainers/technicians/intermediairies to train and coach the farmers (Vine aspects), the Wine producers and the health or innovation actors in relation to Wine and Vine sectors.
- The training materials: 5 guides (one each key topic) in the national languages of the partnership (EN, ES, FR, GR, HU, TR). This guide is a training of trainers guidance and includes a pool of training materials (slides, pictures, videos ...) that the trainer can use to build a training content adapted to each course depending on participants' profiles.
- on CD ROM
- & through an e-Learning repository for training of trainers
- Web tools in different languages:
- a public website;(automated translation, using Google tools, the reference version is in English).
- a collaborative intranet platform, including a central repository for valorisation of exchanges of good practices;
- and some web conference facilities (up to 30 participants), which could also be used for webinars session if relevant.
- Transnational conferences and seminars (5 during the 2 years of the project)
- Test and Pilot seminars in each country to validate the training content, methodology, tools and the recognition process of the acquired learning.
- Publication of promotion and dissemination brochures in national languages
- and a Decision Making solution, based on Enterprizer technology, to support business and marketing development of wine producers and sectors actors.
- The development of an EQF + ECVET approaches on some key target groups/job profiles.
See also: key outcomes of the oeno-MAC project