CERTITUDE projectCERTITUDE is a Lifelong Learning Programme project co-financed by the European Union for 2 years under the Leonardo da Vinci programme, started in October 2012. 
The Certitude project deals with a dimension related to the improvement of vocational dimension that spreads across all education and training areas in Europe: the certification of academic tutors. The global rise of sandwich training systems requires higher needs in management and quality support of trainees.
By "academic tutor", the CERTITUDE project includes any person in the education or training field who delivers tutoring support.

This tutoring function may consist in supporting initial or continuous training beneficiaries, particularly during professional periods in enterprises (stage, sandwich course contracts, etc.). This role can be undertaken by a teacher, a trainer, a research-teacher, a pedagogical referring person, a training-period master.

The generalization of dual training systems, which includes various educational methods, leads the tutors to answer various stakes to increase the quality and the operational effectiveness of the training. Thus, the project invites to :

  • Lead a reflection on the optimization of trainees' support, related with the training as in phase of professional period, itself supervised by professionals from the field,
  • Consider the level of professionalism of the academic tutors, then to envisage the improvement/development of their practices.

So, the Certitude project pursues 2 objectives:

  • Make the essential role of the academic tutor in the reassurance recognized as well as in the success of apprenticeship,
  • Demonstrate and recognize his/her skills and competences by a certification validated by the training field professionals.

Even more, the development of Europass mobilities implies a tutor to be able to assess the learning path of the trainee involved in a mobility scheme, and to sign the final document)...

The CERTITUDE project is funded by the Leonardo da Vinci European programme from the European Commission, and its aims are :

  • to deliver a tutor qualification certificate in line with the requirements of the international norm ISO 17024
  • in order to ensure quality and transparency of tutoring in the field of education and training in Europe.



Certitude Presentation - EN

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Certitude-leaflet - EN

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Certitude-leaflet - FR

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Hits : 641
Date added: 22-03-2023