Go to school, listen to your teacher lecture, go home, do your homework.
For centuries, this has been the way that school's been done.
But now, a new model of teaching is turning the traditional classroom on its head. Under the flipped classroom model, students watch lectures at home, online. Class time is reserved for collaborative activities that help reinforce concepts and increase engagement.
The present infographic on the Flipped Classroom has been published by knewton.com. it is mainly focused on the US market, but it translates a a deep coming change in the education sector and in the communication sector as well within the society.
At MAC-Team, we have already been developing successful pilot approaches of the Flipped Classroom in 2013 in the WikiSkills project. Active and collaborative learning can go one step further where the students/learners have an active learning/teaching role, and where the teachers and the other stakeholders (educational governance, companies ...) also get involved and contribute in a new relationship model.
We use this infographics as an initial food for thoughts. It only represents part of the blended approach and is mainly on the US market as explained a bove, but it sets the scene well. In this infographic, learn about the history of the flipped classroom model, and how it's improving learning outcomes for today's students.
What is Flipped Learning?
Flipped Learning occurs when direct instruction is moved from the group teaching space to the individual learning environment.
Class time is then used for active problem solving by students and one-to-one or small group interactions with the teacher. Students can watch the short lessons as many times as they wish to grasp the content and come to class ready to jump into the lesson, answer questions, work on collaborative projects, and explore the content further. Educators are embracing Flipped Learning in elementary, secondary and higher education in all subjects.
Wikipedia background information
Flip teaching (or flipped classroom) is a form of blended learning in which students learn new content online by watching video lectures, usually at home, and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in class with teachers offering more personalized guidance and interaction with students, instead of lecturing. This is also known asbackwards classroom, reverse instruction, flipping the classroom,reverse teaching, and the "Thayer Method."
Traditional vs flipped teaching
The traditional pattern of teaching has been to assign students to read textbooks and work on problem sets outside school, while listening to lectures and taking tests in class.
In flip teaching, the students first study the topic by themselves, typically using video lessons prepared by the teacher or third parties. In class students apply the knowledge by solving problems and doing practical work. The teacher tutors the students when they become stuck, rather than imparting the initial lesson in person. Complementary techniques include differentiated instruction and project-based learning.
Flipped classrooms free class time for hands-on work. Students learn by doing and asking questions. Students can also help each other, a process that benefits both the advanced and less advanced learners.
Flipping also changes the allocation of teacher time. Traditionally, the teacher engages with the students who ask questions — but those who don't ask tend to need the most attention. "We refer to 'silent failers,' " said one teacher, claiming that flipping allows her to target those who need the most help rather than the most confident. Flipping changes teachers from "sage on the stage" to "guide on the side", allowing them to work with individuals or groups of students throughout the session.
A practical case of implementing a Flip Classroom approach has been piloted by MAC-Team within the WikiSkills project at the business school France-Business School in 2013. The report on this pilot case is published on the WikiSkills.net website.
- Infographic on Gamification of Education by knewton.com (the infographic can also be donwloaded here below; an interesting dicussion forum is provided on knewton.com)
- WIkipedia page on Flipped teaching
- Wiki-culture by the WikiSkills and Wikinomics project