MAC-Team is leading or actively involved in a few networks...
- Food-Net / food-MAC: + a short Food-net presentation in the projects section
MAC-Team is at the orgin of this food-MAC network launched in 2001 in Europe as a Thematic network supported by the Leonardo da Vinci programme.
This network has been leading to various fields of activities thanks to the needs analysis conducted by the network European wide, such as: agronomy, agro-food, rural development, biotechs, education, simulation and foresight... - EUE-Net: European University-Enterprise cooperation network: + a short EUE-Net presentation in the projects section
EUE-Net is an ERASMUS network on the University-Enterprise cooperation. Its success re-initiated new ERASMUS action lines on that topic. EUE-Net decided to be integrated part of the MAC-Team aisbl. - OI-Net - Open Innovation: and a short OI-Net presentation in the projects section
OI-Net is the European ERASMUS network on Open Innovation of Higher Education for 3 years. The kick-off meeting took place in January 2014. It covers 35 countries and more than 50 partners. MAC-Team is incharge of providing the COmmunication/web tools which include a social network to support the OI-Net Community of Practice.
- ISPIM - International Society for Professionnal Innovation Management:
MAC-Team is an active member of the ISPIM which has worldwide activities in the field and a linkedin community of more than 6,700 members. MAC-Team was also member of the Advisory Board of ISPIM.
- ECVET-Team network and its e2 Community of Practice: MAC-Team is a member of this European network on ECVET and - CDO-Net: Network of Career Development Offices in Europe in relation with Universities:
The main objective of the network is to assemble and make the efforts of CDOs visible and usable at European level for the benefit of students, enterprises, universities and policy makers.