New Frontiers in Open Innovation
by Henry W. Chesbrough, Wim Vanhaverbeke, Joel West (editors)
This book - which was published October 2014 by OUP - seeks both to integrate a decade of prior research on open innovation and to engage the academic community in fostering new research. It offers a comprehensive overview of what we think is the most important, most promising and most relevant research topics in the coming decade.
Read more: New book on Open Innovation by Chesbrough, Vanhaverbeke & West
Growth is increasingly related to the capacity of regional economies to change and innovate. Regions and cities have become key spatial units where knowledge is transferred, innovation systems are built and competition to attract investments and talents takes place.
Regions are an appropriate level for stimulating innovation: Many regional governments have important competences and budgets in the field of innovation. Their geographical proximity facilitates the acquisition, accumulation and use of knowledge.
Regions' performance depends not only on that of enterprises and research institutes but also on interactions between different stakeholders, enterprises and organisations, whose knowledge and know-how build up over time. The Regional Innovation Scoreboard helps to understand innovation in the regional context and provides some statistical facts on regions' innovation performance.
Innovation Union Scoreboard 2014: EU more innovative but the differences between Member States are still high and diminish only slowly.
The EU and all EU Member States have become more innovative in recent years. As a result, the EU has closed half of the innovation gap towards the US.
However, the differences in the innovation performance within the EU are still very high and diminish only slowly. The innovation gap widens at regional level where the innovation performance has worsened in almost one fifth of EU regions according to the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2014, which complements the IUS 2014.
The ALIPEX development program seeks to provide cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with a new-generation inhalation treatment efficient in fighting severe respiratory infections, including those resistant to antibiotics.
This treatment, based on three major innovations, respectively developed by three companies in France's Rhône-Alpes region – ALAXIA, EVEON and DTF Medical – benefits from the collaboration with two research laboratories.
The ALIPEX development program has been granted support from Bpifrance, as part of its Strategic Industrial Innovation program, asserting the potential of this major therapeutic and technological breakthrough, with possible applications beyond the treatment of this rare disease (CF).
Read more: BPI France invests over 10 M€ in the ALIPEX programme
28 February 2014 marks the seventh international Rare Disease Day coordinated by EURORDIS. On and around this day hundreds of patient organisations from more than 70 countries and regions worldwide are planning awareness-raising activities around the slogan "Join Together for Better Care".