15-17 January 2014, Lappeenranta University of Technology
Lappeenranta, Finland
This launching event of the OI-Net network which includes 35 countries and 52 partners is open to the partners only.
As of early 2013, some curricula on Innovation Management do exist. However, they do not deal properly with open innovation (only a very few HEIs added some modules or even courses related to open innovation as such). Based on the convergence of the analysis by the various practitioners and research networks, the need to include OI as a full teaching discipline has to be fulfilled to meet the job market needs for skilled employees and therefore to increase the competitiveness of the European enterprises.
This problem is especially critical to the SMEs which cannot afford big innovation management teams with specialised skills and which need the specialists who have a holistic understanding of open innovation processes and activities.
In that spirit, the proposal to support a pan-European network on Open Innovation with the support of higher education has been submitted to the European Commission. This 3-year project has been accepted end of 2013 with the following objectives:
--> 1° Fill the gap in terms of structured OI in HE
--> 2° Demonstrate the implementation/integration of the European OI curricula (incl. tuning & transfer process)
--> 3° Develop a European Community of Practice on OI in HE + observatory/think-tank
--> 4° Implement support actions to OI in HE
--> 5° Build sustainability, shape the future of HE
--> 6° Implement dissemination & supporting facilities from the very start & promote open approaches
This event was the kick-off meeting of the OI-Net network.
MAC-Team was in charge of the social-media and web facility tools for this large collaborative network.
MAC-Team participated to the organisation of the event and also launched the social network facility at the event.